Saturday, October 3, 2009

fact finding report on Bolangir's starvation death: Pradip Pradhan's report

(A team from Right to food campaign, Bhubaneswar visited Bolangir’s Khaprakhol block to find out the fact on the alleged media-report on starvation death in the block. This is an article prepared by Pradip Pradhan, State Convener of Right To Food campaign, Orissa. In fact the fact finding report along with few recommendations of the team has already being sent to the state chief secretary of government of Orissa.)

Fact-finding Team’s Report on alleged Starvation death in Khaprakhol Block of Bolangir district.

Concerned by media report on alleged starvation death which took place in Khaprakhol Block of Bolangir district, A Fact-finding Team had visited to the place of the incident to ascertain the possible factors responsible for the tragedy, and status of implementation of food security programmes, operational if any in the concerned area.

The Team has come across a lot of issues relating to implementation of food security programme meant to ensure food security of the poor in the area. We have made a critical review of the programme with a set of recommendation for the steps to be taken by the Govt. to check chronic hunger and starvation death. We request you to take proper step to streamline the implementation of all food security programme. The Report is attached herewith for your reference.

Suggested Recommendation

1. The poor and vulnerable people who are not covered under BPL category should be covered under APL category at the earliest. In the instant case, the District Administration should include Jhuntu Bariha under APL category. The Govt. should make public the list of APL families in each Gram Panchayat.

2. ICDS Sub-centre needs to be opened in every hamlet. The Supreme Court has already given direction in this regard. So the District Administration should take steps in this regard.

3. NREGA is the best law to provide guaranteed wage employment to the poor. But it is not being properly implemented. The laborers are not getting their dues since months together. So, the administration should take steps to immediately ensure payment of pending wages to the labourers who worked in the past and start the NREGA works in the village afresh.

4. Jhuntu Bariha is not the solitary case of acute poverty and destitution in the villages of Bolangir district. In fact these are umpteen number of potential cases across Bolangir district, which may turn into real tragedies at any moment, if preventive action is not taken in right earnest during the current lean season of the year. The administration should start NREGA works on war-footing basis and monitor the execution of each food security programme. They may also engage NGOs to monitor the programme.

5. District level Monitoring Committee may be constituted taking the members from among the NGOs, retired Govt. officials, intellectuals, social activists and journalists for a periodical review of the implementation of food security programmes in the district.

6. Primary Health Centres and Community Health Centres need to be revamped with allotment of more doctors and para-medical staff to provide ready and adequate health service to the poor.

::::::Articles on various topics related to the problems and development of western Orissa will be placed in the blogs. So watch this regularly and give your valuable comments.::::::::::::